Monday 3 August 2015

Old Analysis (16/2/2015) - USD/JPY

This post is in continuation of the USD/JPY analysis published on 27th Jan 2015. As per the daily chart below, looks like the currency pair has completed wave iv of wave 5 since then.The prices seem to have come out of the contracting triangle to complete wave (i) of v of 5. It may also have just completed wave (ii) as shown.
 USD/JPY Daily chart as on 17th Feb 2015

The hourly chart below shows waves (i) and (ii) of v of 5 in more detail. 

USD/JPY Hourly chart as on 17th Feb 2015
If the above analysis and the analysis done on 27th Jan 2015 is correct, then the USD/JPY may be in final v of 5 waves (started since Oct 2011). The most likely target for completion of wave v at this stage is 125. This can change depending on how the waves progress from here. 

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